Today we share with you a very special post, the 2021 Annual Report.
Debbie Pesántez, student coordinator from the city of Cuenca and part of the National Student Committee (CNE) 2021 shares: “Despite 2020-2021 being really tough years, 2021 came with new hopes and illusions that little by little have been strengthened. The Lord, our God, never let go of our hands even in the moments when we thought he did. For that and much more, we are grateful to our Father who has manifested himself in various ways throughout this time. CECE, like the vast majority of entities worldwide, had to take a “break” with in person activities, but this did not stop us. Rather, it allowed us to develop new skills to continue sharing the Gospel in the university.
This year has been one of great learning for me, and I am immensely grateful for the bonds of friendship formed in this community. Being part of the CNE, I had the opportunity to direct some spaces at the national level as a host or facilitating a small group. This opened several doors for me and took away many fears. I never felt alone in the process and I thank God for the opportunities he provided me, no matter the situation. In difficult times we have become that community that looks out for and cares for the well-being of each of those who are part of the different parts of CECE. As the book of Acts says 12:5 “So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.” Despite Peter’s difficult circumstances, his community was there at all times supporting him. 2021 brought us some sadness, however,
we must not forget that we have a future ahead of us and we are not alone. We have our loved ones, our community and above all and most important we have God who has never left us and never will.
I invite you to witness what God has done through CECE during 2021, by reading the Annual Report. You will find stories of mission initiatives that, by God’s grace, CECE has undertaken to share the Gospel in a changing context. You can read and download the 2021 Annual Report here:
Download Report here
Debbie Pesántez
Architecture student in the city of Cuenca. Debbie is the coordinator of the local group since it was reactivated in 2019 until today. For a while, she served on the Communication Team and she was also part of the CNE for two years.